10 Important Home Office Supplies You Need

Have you ever heard of or seen a book without its pages? A Home office without Office supplies would look just the same. Home Office being a workspace set aside from the normal workspace requires all the tools possible to enable work in its best format. Imagine having a meeting over at a table, without any notepad or pencil.
The meeting is possible, but may or may not be effective. Hence if you already have a Home Office or planning to set up one, please ensure you lay appropriate emphasis on the Home Office supplies.
The Home office supplies that you need will be dependent on a lot of factors:
- Nature of work
- Kind of Office Setup
- Kind of interactions and communications expected
- Business model
- Spacing and Layout of your Home office
Once you are clear on the above points, then at a high level, the following are the 10 Important Home office supplies that you will require:
1- Computer:
This is the most important one on the list. There can be variations – laptop, notebook, or any other system. This is how your basic data moves in and helps you connect with your customer and the world.
2- Paper and Writing tools:
This may end up being a secondary requirement depending on the nature of your business. Though, honestly, most people still prefer to have some of these writing tools, like pencils, pens, markers, etc, as there is still no better alternative to scribbling an idea on a piece of paper, while you think. Paper is also helpful for printing out data and taking photocopies of important documents that are required as hard copies.
3- Notepads, diaries, and Envelopes:
Helps you write up important points and mail invoices, and documents.
4- Soft Data Storage:
This refers to storage devices to archive your data, to save critical information separately from the rest. This includes CDs, DVDs, Flash drives, USB sticks, External Hard drives, etc.
5- Physical Data Storage:
This refers to physical storage mechanisms or options like file cabinets, trays, shelves, closets, etc, where you can store your files, important documents, stationery, objects, articles, etc.
6- Printer:
This comes in handy when you need to print a Quotation or an Invoice. This also helps you complete and furnish your documentation for any of your business needs.
7- Telephone:
Ideally, This is the second most important office supply you need at your home office. However, in most cases, it is assumed that there will be a telephone to enhance connectivity along with the computer. This can be a mobile phone or a landline, enabling you to be reachable by your employees, customers, vendors, etc.
8- Small Stationery:
Includes clips, binders, pins, staples, post-its, etc.
9- Printing supplies:
All that is required for your printer to be functional at all times includes paper, cartridge, ink, and other stuff depending on the type of printer that you own.
10- Whiteboards or pinup boards:
Helps you post important notes, write out tasks, or a working board.