Preventing water seepage through glass sliding doors

If you happen to reside at a place that experiences heavy rains, share the information with the door supplier so that adequate protection can be taken to prevent water from seeping through the glass door. Monsoon is the most difficult time that patio glass sliding doors have to cope with. Homeowners might like to enjoy the monsoon while gazing at the heavy downpour through the glass, soaking in the beauty of the picturesque view outside.
While you are enjoying the beauty of nature, the sliding glass door has a difficult time negotiating the torrential rain that beats against it. In just a few minutes there is water flowing all around the door on the outside and resisting its penetration through the door is truly challenging.
Identify the vulnerable point
Instead of being disappointed at the prospect of water finding its way through a glass sliding door, it will be better to understand the reason for its vulnerability. This could indicate the action to be taken that can prevent it from happening.
By talking to a Los Angeles sliding glass door repair company you can find out the working principle of glass doors.
This will help to understand how the problem happens and what would be the remedy. Metal tracks fitted on the floor and at the top make way for the movement of glass sliding doors that move on rollers made of metals or plastic. Assuming that it is a two-panel door, pay attention to the bottom of the moving panel which is most susceptible to water leakage.
Preventing water leaks
Once again you can be guided by the wisdom of the Los Angeles sliding glass door repair companies to gain knowledge about how the leak can be plugged. When installed properly, the sliding door fits snugly on the bottom track with no scope of any water seeping through. The alignment between the track and the door panel is perfect.
With time, the accumulation of dirt and debris on the track upsets the alignment and creates gaps. It is through such gaps that water can find its way to the inside of homes. Therefore, keeping the tracks clean is the only way to ensure that water seepage is prevented.
Make it leakproof
When raindrops lash on the doors it can have a stripping effect on the door material that creates gaps through which water can pass. In order to prevent water intrusion, think about installing weather stripping on the door so that leaks are not created due to raindrops hitting it hard. Use a complete strip on a single door, and do not use multiple strips to cover the entire door as gaps between adjacent strips could result in leakage.
In spite of the above actions if you still find that water is leaking through the door then you have to consult a Los Angeles sliding glass door repair company. The probable reason for persistent leakage may be a defective installation that only the professionals of the door repair company can set right.