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How to Run Android Apps on Google Chrome?

Nowadays, Running android apps on Windows is not a difficult task. You can run android apps on your desktop using Android Emulator like Bluestacks, Youwave, and many more. Bluestacks is one of the most powerful emulators for getting android apps on a desktop.

But there are certain issues related to Bluestacks. First of the issue is that it can not be able to run on a PC having Bitdefender antivirus. Previously, I have written a number of articles about Bluestacks and their Graphics card issues. Apart from this issue, there are a lot of issues occurring while installing Bluestack on your PC. That is why people are searching for the best alternative.

In this article, I am going to provide an awesome post to overcome it and this will be the best alternative to deal with that issue.  But is it possible to run android apps on your Google chrome? Of course, yes, It is possible to use any android application on your web browser. (This is only available for Google Chrome). Google is continuously trying to provide better extensions to its users for a variety of purposes.

Google has developed a runtime environment known as ARchon. Using this you can run almost all android apps on your browser. Ok, Archon is still in the development stage and it can’t able to run all android apps. It is working well in Windows 64-bit, OS X, and Ubuntu. Your Google Chrome version should be above or equal to version 37 to get these benefits.

Requirement for Using Android apps on Your Chrome Browser:

(1). For using android apps on your Chrome browser, you need to have ARchon run-time environment and the APK file for the app you want to run. You can get the ARchon run-time environment from the below link. After downloading the run time environment, extract the file on your computer’s hard disk or desktop.

(2). You should know that Google chrome can not able to load an apk file directly, which is why you should convert the apk file into an installable APK file that can run on chrome. This can be done by using Chrome APK Packager. This app can convert the app installed or downloaded on your phone to the installable chrome apk file. The link of this app is given below:

Download Chrome APK Packager

Note: After installing ARchon run-time environment, your official run-time environment will be replaced with this custom environment.

Way to Run Android apps on Google Chrome Browser:

Step 1:
First, download, the run time environment known as ARchon from the link given below and extract it.

Now, Open the Google Chrome browser on your computer.

Step 3:
On the top right corner, click on three horizontal lines to open Setting.

Step 4:
From the list, choose the Tools option.

Step 5:
In the Tools option, select “Extensions” or you can directly get into this step by typing chrome://extensions/ in the search bar.

Step 6:
Now, you have to enable the developer mode by checking the box.

Step 7:
Click on the “Load unpacked extension” in order to select the ARchon run-time folder you have downloaded.  After selecting the run-time folder. No need to worry about this error.

Step 8:
Now, download the apk file of any android app and then convert it into apk file that can run on a chrome browser using the Chrome APK Packager.

Step 9:
Once again, click on the unpacked extension and then select the converted apk file (just as you have converted using Chrome APK Packager).

Step 10:
Finally, click on the Launch link to use that android application.

That’s it.

Final Words:

This is one of the latest ways to use android apps without having smartphones. Follow all the steps carefully and if you are still facing any problems, feel free to get in touch with us. If you want to get the latest tips and tricks about android, windows, earning money online, How-to, Google, and blogging, then follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook fan page. If you liked this article, don’t forget to share it on social sites to help your friends. Have a nice day!

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