Painting Kitchen Cabinets Getting The Job Done Yourself

The kitchen becomes dirty and tired after regular use. And therefore your kitchen needs some refurbishment after regular wear and tear. One needs to change the look of the kitchen to freshen up the beauty of the home.
Painting kitchen cabinets with light shades may enhance the look of your kitchen as well as your complete home. The space looks huger with the use of subtle colors. Cabinets generally are made from wood and veneer and can be colored from time to time.
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Painting Kitchen Cabinets – Improve the Look of Your Home
Regular use of oil and spices in the kitchen makes the cabinets greasy and look ugly. Professional Home Painters must be given the responsibility to take a look at the condition and suggest ways of painting kitchen cabinets.
Care should be taken about using good quality paint while painting kitchen cabinets. This will not only help it make it more durable and long-lasting but also helps in making them look more beautiful and shining.
Frames and outer cabinet coloring will do the magic in the kitchen and should be dealt with special care. Proper planning must be done beforehand to avoid complications later on.
The entire project may take a few days to complete. In case of budget restrictions, one can only cater to the outer surfaces and leave the inside surfaces for the application of painting in the future. Doing the outside of the cabinets will take much less time and energy for the homeowner and therefore can be dealt with easily with the DIY technique.
Preparatory Phase:
All the hardware must be disconnected from the cabinets for making the painting of kitchen cabinets job fast and easy. Also, the doors must also be removed.
The cost of hardware is quite high. Therefore good care should be taken to get the paint off the surface of the hardware. These can be kept separately in the garage or in a solution helping to discolor the previous paint. After removing the paint, the hardware should be cleaned with soapy water. Scrubbing will make the hardware look fresh and well-cleaned.
The surface of the cabinets to be painted should be properly cleaned and made grease free by scrubbing. Sandpaper is then used to give a fast rub to the surface for making it rough to make the paint adhere in a better way.
Painting Phase:
- Painting is done carefully by using a brush followed by spray paint. The cabinet frames must be done first followed by one surface.
- One surface must be done at a time in a well-ventilated region. Make sure to dry the paint well before putting the second coating.
- After completing the painting of one surface, another surface must be done.
- If there is time and energy, three coats should be applied for painting kitchen cabinets.
- New Paint Zoom is a wonderful sprayer that recommends using. This is easy and clean to use for even home moms or teenagers.
Assembling Phase:
After completion of the painting and drying work, proper assembling is required. The hooks and the screws must be kept at proper places to locate in order. Complete assembling must be done with care and attention.
Make sure all the parts are replaced in the correct manner. One must be patient while doing the work. Hurrying may not dry the paint properly and the look may be bad. Make minds up before painting kitchen cabinets. Give a renovated appeal to the kitchen and make the cooking experience look better than before.